It takes as little as $240 and as few as 45 minutes to provide a bright, beautiful new smile and a healthier, happier future to a child born with a cleft lip or cleft palate.
Operation Smile realized that despite the availability of free surgery, our patients sacrifice their daily wages, family and communal duties, and any savings they may have to make the often long journey to our mission site in hopes of securing care for a daughter, son, brother or sister. It takes the same amount to transport a child and his parent from his village to the mission site and provide them with safe accommodation and food during their stay.
Send your Donations by :
cheque (if you are in Madagascar) to:
Operation Smile, Carlton Hotel rue Pierre Stibbe Anosy, Antananarivo
or transfer to Operation Smile in Madagascar bank account:
Operation Smile: 00008 00005 05004009148 35
You can also support our programs with medical or non-medical gift-in-kinds. Please contact us for more information.